Religion and Subjectivity: Reconsidering the Relational Self

The fact that the self is relational has been stated often enough – but what precisely does this mean? This is still to be explored and explained. Further, to what extent is it appropriate to oppose the category of substance (or, subsequently, of the subject or the self) to the category of relation, and in which sense do we need a ‘substantial’ correlate of the relations we investigate? The issue of selfhood in relations will be approached from different perspectives. Particularly we are aiming at a dialogue between phenomenology, philosophy of religion and theology, focusing on accounts of a ‘relational ontology of the person’ in Luther, Kierkegaard, Levinas, Ricoeur and Scheler.

Confirmed keynote speakers: Günter Bader, Jeffrey Bloechl, Arne Grøn, Werner Stegmaier, Anthony Steinbock.
Call for papers: Ph.D. students are welcome to submit proposals for short papers on this topic (incl. discussion max. 30 min, no more than 2200 words). If you would like to present a paper, please send an abstract of about 200-400 words to Claudia Welz at
Deadline: January 15, 2008. A reply will be sent by February 1, 2008.
Location: University of Copenhagen. More details will be announced at
Organized by the Center for Subjectivity Research in cooperation with the Nordic Society for Philosophy of Religion and the Theological Faculty of the University of Copenhagen.
Organizers: Arne Grøn, Carsten Pallesen and Claudia Welz.
Participation is free, but prior registration required.
Please register before February 15th, 2008. by sending an email to
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Posted in Colloques de philosophie contemporaine.